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Sai Charan Todupunoori

Buk (mask)

The unique turtle-shell masks of the Torres Strait Islands that lie between. Australia and New Guinea are among the most striking works of Oceanic art. Attributed to Mabuiag Island, this work displays the composite human

There are numerous pieces within this mask that are brought together. There are 3 decorative pieces around the face, very stylistic; We have these wonderful diagonal lines that gives this a sense of flight. The masks made from turtle shell plates are carefully shaped and carved. They are also decorated with patterns filled with white ocher. These were powerful, semi-naturalistic elongated images.

You have a face at the bottom, in the middle a bird, and on top a raffia that represented hair. This could be a hero or someone of supernatural powers or an ancestor. Maybe associated with the frigate bird, totem?

Turtle shell effigies were first recorded on the Torres Strait Islands by the Spanish Explorer, Bon Diego de Prado y Tovar in 1606, a testimony to the antiquity of the tradition. Theseart forms were traded and used by communities other than those that produced them, in ceremonies including harvest and funerary feasts Europeans were very interested in the trading of turtle shells, but by the late 18th century , missionaries asked the islanders to burn their mask to destroy them.

These well-known turtle shell masks and headdresses from the Torres Strait were mostly used in secret ceremonies celebrating the creative acts of culture heroes , and in particular initiation and funeral rites. This was only one part of an entire costume that would have been used in these ceremonies.

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