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Writer's pictureVineet Puranik

AP Art History: Byzantine Art Lecture Notes

Byzantine Empire started at the end of the Roman Empire, Romans spoke Roman while Byzantium spoke Greek

Justinian as world conqueror (Barberini Ivory) - mid-6th century, ivory, holding a banner on a horse, with him is winged Nike which means victory, Gaea is touching him, different representations of people around the world, top show Jesus giving blessings, in a Mandorla which is a body halo, supported by two angels

Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus - Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, Turkey, 532 - 537, made by mathematicians, commissioned by Justinian, made church for Byzantium, Justiaina commissioned 30 churches over Byzantium, Hagia Sophia means the church of holy wisdom, Centrally-Planned Church, Dome in the center, buttressing dome that allows for weight to be pushed out and down, the first time that this was built, it collapsed because buttresses weren’t added, whole concept was to be a church for Justinian, People were separated by sex and clergy when they came to pray, the nave is for clergy, the lady would be separated by isles and gallery, galleries are upper level, Justinian would be in the nave, holes in walls are windows, difficult to deal with, whatever weight is above it, is getting pushed down, windows reduced both weight and stability, Lunets have many windows, Domes are supported by 40 different windows, looks like its floating, 40 is significant nuber for Islam, Christianty, and Judaism, Noah was on the arc for 40 days, 40 days was the tempeation of the devil, 40 is a holy number, many mosaics, frescos, light makes atmosphere mystical

Virgin (Theotokos) and Child enthroned Apse mosaic, Hagia Sophia - 867, mosaic, Virgin is stoic and sad, drop eyelids, Jesus is small man, an attempt at wet-drapery with lines in cloths, halo, common theme in Byzantine Empire, Theotokos means Mary is sitting on the throne with Jesus

San Vitale - Ravenna, Italy, 526 - 546, Northeastern Italy, buried alive, hot seat, feed to lions, fight one another, burn at stake, bury alive, 2 octagons, supported by piers and columns that create a leaf design, off-axis narthex, from ambulatory you can see inside of the church, covered in Byzantine mosaics, the pier is a huge column, gallery, above ambulatory

Apse Mosaic San Vitale - Christ in Purple, Mosaic, Cruciformed Halo, Siting on Blue Cushion, flanked by 2 angles and Saints, San Vitales, representation of holding the church and giving to Jesus, byzantine sticks to primary and secondary colors, red, blud, green, and gold, stark fabric drapery, figures shoved in front, head groups, ornately decorated

Justinian, Bishop Maximianus and attendants - north wall apse mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, ca, 547, mosaic, Justinian in the center, he and his 12 attendants are helping to bring parts of Chruch service to the altar, slowly moving to the front, guards on left, shield shows the Christogram, x with p on top, incense being burned, bible, cross, dark lines for fabric, foreground, frontal, red, green, or blue

Theodora and attendants - south wall apse mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, ca. 547, mosaic, bring chalice, grew and worked in the circuit as a prostitute, Justinian met her while training, the father is a bear trainer, decided to raise her self up in society, become empress, took place of a wealthy woman

Sant’ Apollinare in Classe - Ravenna, Italy, 533-549, got ran through with sword, basilica plan, tower could be bell free or baptistry, typical pf Italian churches, long nave, two side aisles, nave arcade, clerestory, wooden roof, apse, chancel arch, bystanitne mosaics, use of blue-green red and gold, central oranst figure, represents heaven, center cross surrounded by stars, cloud represent sky, hand of god, flankde my Moses and Eljiah, Elijah never died, palm trees on chancel arch, Jesus n medallion whih is sign of vindication, 4 evangelists

Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George, icon 0 6th or early 7th-century encaustic on wood, flat wooden panel, encaustic is wax and pigment, long-lasting form, Bynzaine because she looks very upset, 2 angels looking up and are disgusted, similar to the heraldic composition

Ascension of Christ - Rabbula Gospels, from Zagba, Syria, 586, tempera on vellum, doubin thomas touched wounded Jesus, occurs after resurrection, is taken up to heaven on chariot that has eyes, taken up in mandorola, 4 angels, frontal, stepping outside mandorla, similar to mosaics

Katholikon and Church of the Theotokos - Hosios Loukas, Greece, Katholikon early 11th century, Church of the Theotokos, 10th century, 2 different connected churches, Church of the Theotokos is the church of the mother of god while the katholikon is the church of saint luke, open court, exo-narthex, narthex, 3 different apses, other narthex, central plan, weird ambulatory, one singular apse, Dome of Katholikon is Christ’s Pantokrator which a ruler of all, typical of Byzantine, sad, somber, quiet sorrow, series of saints and angels below him, sitting on clerestory, dome sitting on top of square, triangles in corner for more stability, Baptism of Christ shows Saint John and Christ in water, hand of god, dover that represents holy spirit

Pantocrator - dome mosaic, in hte church of the dormition, Daphni, Greece, ca, 1090 - 1100, mosaic, Chritogram halo, heavy texturing, grumpy

Saint Mark’s Cathedral - Venice, Italy, begun 1063, byzantine, domes, central plan, narthex, central domes, domes on top of each wing, originally held body of Saint Mark, greek cross is different that latin cross, many mosaics inside, lots of gold, many sotires from life of Christ, shows progression throughout time, pendatives are tirnagular forms thingies, gallery, nave meant for clergy, separation of men and women, nave arcades have gold, darkened light, Dome and Anatasis has sad lookiung faces, death chained up, Anastatis holding cross, domer has 12 disciples, each has halo, connected to heaven

Apse - Cathedral at Monreale - Monreale, Sicily, Italy, ca. 1180 - 1190, mosaic, influenced by muslims, profound used of words, cross is patterned, more color variation, use of red and green to give more depth and feeling, not as strict or sever looking, over 100 million tesserae, Christ’s pantocrator, Virgin Theokorotos, gold

Christ as Savior of Souls, icon - early 14th century, tempera, linen, and silver on wood, iconastais, two sided, halo, bible

Annuncitation, reverse of 2-sided icon, early 14th century, tempera and line on wood, itallo byzantine style, right before renaissance, contemporary o gothic and romanesque, angel telling mary that she finna hev jesus, attempt at depth, sad faces, dark drapey, limited color pallet,

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