Pictures - originates from the Latin word pingo, meaning “I paint”, 2D images that are typically flat and are measured horizontally and vertically, include: paintings, mosaic, stained glass, tapestries, prints, and photographs.
Sculptures - originates from the Latin sculpere, meaning “to carve”, 3D objects that are measured by height, width, and depth, typically made of wood, stone, metal, and clay.
Architecture - originates from the Latin architectura, buildings that enclose a space ordained for a specific use, often contain both pictures and sculptures
Values of Art:
Material Value - a work may be valued only based on the materials it is made of i.e. gold, silver, lapis lazuli
Intrinsic Value - art valued due to its artist. This is not always apparent, and varies due to culture and its value of a specific style
Religious Value - Art that carries a specific religious significance. Ex. images of deities, ziggurat, temples, churches
Nationalistic value - Art that expresses pride and accomplishes in a culture. This is often related to religious values.
Psychological value: Emotional attachment to a work of art that gives it value based on the viewers reaction.
Images - described as naturalistic, idealistic, representational, abstract, illustionatic, or stylized
Naturalistic - true to life
Idealistic - the ideal form of a true to life image
Representational -recognizable forms of an object
Abstract - unrecognizable form of an object
Illusionistic - a representational image that can be mistaken for the real thing
Stylized - representational image created in a style appealing to a cultural standard
Artistic Terms:
Composition - overall plan or structure
Plane - flat surface that has space
Balance - harmonious blend
Symmetry - correspondence of elements on either side of an axis
Asymmetrical - uneven balance of elements
Line - the path traced by a moving point
Straight - honesty and truth (masculine)
Curved - (femanine)
Crooked - dishonest
Linear Perspective - one point perspective, illusion of depth where the space between objects seem shorter (foreshortening)
Vanishing Point - where sight lines (orthogonals) meet to convey distance
Light and Color - Color in paintings are created by pigments
Neutrals - white, grey, black
Primary Colors - red, blue, yellow
Secondary Colors - purple, green, orange
Tertiary Colors - mix of secondary colors
Describing Color
Hue - another word for color
Analogous Hues - hues containing a common color
Monochromatic - when only a single hue is used
Value - lightness or darkness of color, tone
Achromatic - works done in only neutral tones
Chromatic - colored
Intensity - brightness or dullness of color
Principles of Design - Repetition, Unity, Variation, Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Rhythm, Pattern
Art as artefact: Art serves as a medium to pass information about its maker, time, and/or society
For artist: making a living, religion, politics, power, to impress
Meaning can change and differs from person to person
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