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Writer's pictureVineet Puranik

AP Art History: Ancient Rome Lecture Notes

Republican Roman Art - 509 - 27 B.C.E., come after Etruscans, Romulus, and Remus form Rome, Rome established on Capitoline Hill, 509 starts beginning of Roman republic and the Romans overthrew the Etruscan Kings, senate councilor of elders did this, Republic ruled by a dictator who as chosen by the senate, dictators and senate came from the upper class, plebians were Roman low-class citizens, contemporary to some Archaic Greek Art and all of the classical period as well as some of the Hellenistic period.

House of the Vettii - Pompeii, Italy, Original ca. 150 B.C.E., Rebuilt 62 - 79 C.E., August, 24, 79 AD Vesuvius exploded, pyroclastic flow covered Pompeii and Herculaneum, lot of chaos, bodies become enshrined in stone, plaster casts of human contorted and clustered bodies, pyroclastic flow still preserved roman houses and life, referred to as Domus which is a private home, Atrium is the first room when you enter the house, middle of Atrium is an impluvium which is an opening in the roof, that would collect rainwater in the pool, wings lead to cubiculum which is a room, alae are wings, tablinum and triclinium is the dining room, peripteral peristyle room, covered in decoration and murals, evolution of buildings, Romans invented concrete (lime, sand. Water, stones), solid material, could have windows without support, rebuilt in imperial Rome, second style painting which represents the world, architectural structures, first style fresco is masonry style, painted columns, different from greek houses

Dionysiac mystery frieze - Room 5, Pompeii, Italy, ca. 60-50 B.C.E., fresco, Second Style, from the villa of mysteries, Dionsysic cult, frescos are painted above ground, a ground line, life-size women, use of space, space recedes into the background, overlapping figures, whipped or flogged, the whip would come through space of viewer to hit woman, the god of wine and drunken chaos

Temple of Portuna / “Fortuna Virilis” - form Rome, Italy, ca. 75 B.C.E., Portuna is the god of harbors, similar to Etruscan style temples, Porch and Syylobate don’t go all the way around, cella, made of Tufa, Tufa is a volcanic stone, and Trabirteen marble which is white marble, Ionic Temple, corner volutes that have combined edge, not the way it’s done in greek architecture, engaged columns are pseudo peripteral, fake columns that go all the way around

Head of a Roman patrician - ca. 75-50 B.C.E., marble, hyperreal referred to as verism which is the root word for truth and means real-like, older men, patricians are head of the families, brutally realistic busts, very distinctive features, very life-like and realistic

Portrait of a Roman General - Tivoli, Italy, ca. 75 - 50 B.C.E., marble, veristic head, greek body, idealized male body, has several different aspects of health, leather breastplate symbolizes wealth, stern, serious work of art, marble sculpture

Amphitheater - Pompeii, Italy, ca. 80 B.C.E., goes all the way around, could hold 20,000 people, sit according to rank, Romans built a hill, tunnel, Romans created regularized vaulting, the arched doorway is structurally sound than a post-lintel, vaults would be made of concrete and would have windows, 2 intersecting vaults create a groin vault, the barrel vault is a single curving hallway, shared stone in groin vault

Early Imperial Roman Art - 27 B.C.E. - 96 B.C.E., Roman Empire established by Julius Caeser who was popular as the Caesar, followed by Octavian, Early Imperial art is strong and is when the Roman Empire is spreading out with strong leadership

Portrait of Augustus as general - from Primaporta, Italy, ca. 20 B.C.E.., marble, the primary difference between the Roman Republic and Roman Imperial art is that the Roman IMperial art goes back to Greeks and stylized bodies, Augustus is depicted as god-like and that he never aged, modeled after the Doryphoros, cupid on the right leg, cupid is the son of Aphrodite, claiming to be the son of god, wet drapery technique seen in Hellenistic art, wearing roman general breastplate made of metal, strong, idealized face, and body

Ara Pacis Augustae - Rome, Italy, ca. 13 - 9 B.C.E., marble, Ara means altar and pacis means peace, around ara pacis, is a continuous frieze, broken up into corinthian column, the upper frieze is a procession of the imperial family, members of Roman Patrician family, children look like actual children, alter to peace and to end wars within themselves, Gaea is Earth goddess, the personification of animals and flora and fauna, sense of wind, fabric, and plants are whipping around, part of the lower side and upper frieze, the bottom is repeated floral motif

Maison Caree - Nimes, France - ca. 1 -10 C.E., pseudo peripteral, Greeks modify Etruscan temples, Ionic Temple with Corinthian Columns, Continuous Frieze above architrave, Engaged Columns, Entrance on the front, Top-level is stylobate, Cella in back

Pont-du-Gard - Nimes, France, ca. 16 B.C.E., the largest aqueduct that the Roman ever built. Transfer water and people led to the city of Nimes, smallest arches at the top would be used to transfer water, 2nd level is a bridge for foot traffic, transfers water

Colosseum - Rome, Italy, ca. 70 - 80 C.E., created by Emperor Vespasian, part of Flavian Dynastic Group, taken from Nero, the Rebuilt city in concrete, meant for the people as an amphitheater If u keep Romans happy they won’t have insurrections, not built into hill, used to have marble veneer, valerian is a shade or awning, Ionic, Top has Corinthian columns, Truscan columns

Arch of Titus - Rome, Italy, 81 C.E., barrel vault, represent a victory, free-standing arch, Roman arch, columns, frieze, a spandrel is a triangle space that holds reliefs, reliefs on side and interior, reliefs celebrate the conquest of Titus, and the spoils of Jerusalem, and are high-relief, huge plaque on the front that states that Titus built it

Portrait bust of a Flavian Woman - from Rome, Italy, marble, return to idealism, hair is made of spiral curls that were made by drill, idealized beauty,

High Imperial Roman Art - 96 - 193 C.E.

Trajan’s Forum - Rome, Italy, Forum & Markets 106 - 122 C.E.

Basilica Ulpia & Trajan Markets - Rome, Italy, Brick Concrete

Trajan’s Column - ca. 112 C.E., marble

Pantheon - Rome, Italy, ca. 118 0 125 C.E., concrete, the front has columns, signed by the architect, pediment, cornices, cella, vaulted space, largest interior valued space for 500 years, open hole in the top is occulace, allows for light and rain, cylindrical drum, dome, coffers are decorative panels that sink into the back, recommissioned as a museum, sculptures

Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius - from Rome, Italy, ca. 175 C>E., bronze, legalizes Christianity, as tall as the horse is, reaching a right hand out inclemency or in greeting, the face is emotive, base, a ground line, horse, rider,

Mummy Portrait - from Faiyum, Egpyt, ca. 160 - 170 C.E., made with encaustic (pigment and hot wax) , place on their mummy, the evolution of portraiture,

Late Imperial Roman Art - 193 - 337 C.E.

Portrait of Carcalla - ca. 211 - 217 C.E., marble, Roman Emperor, short hair, chisel used, portrayed as suspicious, not emperor for very long, paranoid person, twisting back, roughness at bottom of mouth, beard

Portrait Bust of Trajan Decius - Capitolino, Rome, 240 - 251 C.E., marble, worried, exhausted, persecuted Christianity,

Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus - 250 C.E., marble, plebeian style, faces are repeated, Ludovisi is bearded people, Romans believed you should have a shaved face, bearded people were barbarians, plebian style gets popularized, the skill level is lower

Portraits of the four tetrarchs - S. Marks, Venice, ca. 305 C.E. porphyry, 4 different rulers that decide to rule together, don’t trust each other, holding on to each other, another hand on sword, cube heads and squad bodies which are typical of the plebian style

Arch of Constantine - Rome, Italy, ca. 312 - 315 C.E., accepts Christianity, receives signs from Christian gods, the edict of Milan legalizes Christianity, Council of Nicaea make Christianity official religion of the Roman empire, regenerates and moves capital to Constantinople, shifts focus of power from west to east, next to the colosseum, triumphal arch, Constantine stole relief from other buildings in Rome, Spolia that serves Constantine’s message, Plebian styles with short, round, figures, panels are shallow but not narrative, similar to greek metopes

Portrait of Constantine - from the Basilica Nova, ROME, ITALY, ca. 315 - 330 C.E., marble, reused early imperial style of idealization, from new Basilica Nova Reconstruction Drawing, 206 - 312 C.E. from Western Apps, Brick Based Concrete, Coffer Barrel Vaults, Coffers are recession in space, huge knave, groin vaults, two different vaults that met, buttress, fenestrated, lots of windows, light, huge piers

Aula Palatina *(Basilica) -Trier Germany, early 4th-century C.E, audience hall of later Roman Emperors, repurposed as Church, made of brick, covered in stucco, panel glass windows, apply movement, arcade - series of arches, the knave is the central portion, apps is a semicircular portion at the end, the basilica was the format for early churches, flat roof, chancel arch

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